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Schmidt Horst

Companyname Schmidt Horst
City, Country xxx
Greenhouse area 7497 m2
Cultivation tomatoes
Trellis 8 meter
Aluminium gutterlength 64 meter
Gable post height 4,95 meter
Baylength 4,5 meter
Roofpitch and glass 23 degrees, 2140 x 1125 mm


Let's keep in touch.

Address Netherlands 

Havecon Horticultural Projects
Lorentzstraat 8
2665 JH Bleiswijk,
The Netherlands

+31 (0)10 266 32 70

Address Canada
(North-American Office)

Havecon North America Inc
360 York Road, Unit 3
L0S 1J0, Niagara on the lake, Ontario, Canada

+1 905 641 06 03