Horticultural companies and scientific partners share cannabis knowledge in Legal Cannabis Coalition.
Over the last 2 years, a dozen Dutch horticultural companies (Top Sector Horticulture & Starting Materials) performed a joint scientific study to optimize greenhouse cultivation of medicinal cannabis. The ongoing study is coordinated by Wageningen University & Research (WUR), one of the world-leading agricultural universities. Now, these partners have combined their knowledge under the name Legal Cannabis Coalition (LCC). In collaboration with additional partners specialized in lab research, product development, and clinical trials, the LCC offers its combined experiences, services and products to the medicinal cannabis industry.
Due to the leading position of The Netherlands in international agriculture, Dutch horticultural companies have been actively involved in setting up licensed cannabis producers around the globe, in North America in particular. “The cannabis market was turbulent in the first few years. North America is entering an adult phase of legalisation. In Europe, South America, Asia and Africa, we are on the eve of further legalisation,” says Erik van Santen of Koppert Biological Systems, which provides biological pest control for plant growers, including cannabis.
The Legal Cannabis Coalition aims to be a one-stop-shop for a wide range of industry challenges. To help its clients, the LCC will use all the lessons its members collectively learned over the years from their involvement in setting up and equipping greenhouses, improving plant productivity, GMP & compliance, product development, lab research, and market research to support the global legalisation of medicinal cannabis. Many growers, investors, product developers and retailers already rely on the knowledge of the LCC. The goal of the LCC and its members is to expand this reach even further, based on science and proven solutions.
The LCC also provides training and education for its members as well as clients. It conducts academic research in collaboration with international universities and assists growers worldwide with the transformation of their existing crops to cannabis. Thanks to the broad expertise of its members - from plant to product to patient - the LCC can help out everywhere. The main condition is that clients comply with cannabis regulations and are in possession of a license.
More information on: www.legalcannabiscoalition.nl